blogging for 25 years?!

I came across a blog post which is a reflection on 25 years of blogging on his personal blog.

That is insane.

Although, not many people read blogs anymore, the value gained from writing that consistently for that many years is hard to argue against.

“And I find that, by writing, new ideas come. Which is fun. So there’s personal utility too.”

That’s probably the main utility for me. I come across all these fun ideas and concepts, but they are often lost if they’re not chewed on, pondered and written about.

I’m a pretty avid reader, but I never really took ’notes’ (well I tried). It’s probably meant that I’ve forgotten most of what I’ve read (which is ok), but it would be nice to concretely remember a few stories and ideas from books/blogs/articles.

I created a books section here to try and catalogue any new reads.

I want to write shorter posts mostly about what I’m doing/reading at the time.

Claude and Cursor

Claude is the best LLM hands down. I wanted to see how quickly I could publish a web app with the codebase written entirely by the LLM. It took just less than an hour to get this up :

It’s just a small web-app I’m going to add (via an admin dashboard) normal values for various radiology measurements. Not a single line of code was typed by me. Insane.


Back from my sisters wedding. An unforgettable experience. I have so much love for both my sister (and new brother in law!). It made me think about event planning. I despise planning anything myself, but that’s probably not the best attitude.

Seeing how this event came together (beautifully) has led to a greater appreciation for how much goes into creating an experience. I should get better at this myself, but its going to take a while starting from zero…